President signs law permitting TV, radio broadcasting in ATO zone

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has signed a law amending some laws on temporary broadcasting permits in the zone of the anti-terrorist operation (ATO) in Donbas and the border regions of Ukraine, reads a statement posted on the website of the head of state on Tuesday.
According to the statement, the purpose of the law is to ensure the continuity of broadcasting of television and radio organizations and the broadcasting of their programs for the population through the introduction of a mechanism for the accelerated issuance of temporary broadcasting permits in the territories most vulnerable to external negative information impact.
As reported, on December 7, 2017, the Verkhovna Rada adopted the respective bill (No. 6565) at second reading and as a whole.
The document foresees that the National Council of Ukraine for Television and Radio Broadcasting will be able to issue, out of competition, a permit for temporary broadcasting in territories with a special broadcasting regime for up to one year. The territories with a special broadcasting regime are the areas bordering the occupied territory of Ukraine in Donbas and Crimea.
The permit will be granted on a free basis. According to the law, the procedure for issuing and cancelling the permit for temporary broadcasting, the conditions for permission and the procedure for exercising supervision over observance of the legislation during such broadcasting will be determined by the National Council of Ukraine for Television and Radio Broadcasting.
In addition, the document says that analogue broadcasting can be continued in the territory with a special broadcasting regime.
The law will enter into force a month after its publication, apart from certain provisions that come into force on the next day after publication.