Rada urging Inter-Parliamentary Union to boycott St. Petersburg session

The Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada will take no part in the 137th session of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in St. Petersburg.
The decision passed by 249 votes at the parliament's plenary meeting on Thursday.
"We are urging parliaments of other IPU member countries to abstain from participating in the 137th session of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, which will be hosted by a country violating IPU Statutes and the UN Charter," the Verkhovna Rada said in its address to parliamentarians of IPU member countries.
The 137th session of the IPU will be held in St. Petersburg next week.
The Verkhovna Rada believes that Russia should have no right to host international events of international organizations whose norms and principles it is flagrantly violating because of its conduct towards Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, and Europe at large.