EU Commissioner Hahn says EUR 50 mln may be assigned for humanitarian and infrastructure projects – Gerashchenko

European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn has said that the EU is considering the allocation of EUR 50 million for humanitarian and infrastructure projects.
"Commissioner Hahn has announced today that another 50 million are being considered, which should also go to humanitarian and infrastructure projects," First Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Ukraine's representative in the Trilateral Contact Group on the situation in Donbas, Iryna Gerashchenko, wrote on her Facebook page.
She also noted that in recent years the European Commission has allocated about EUR 400 million to help Ukraine, including as part of humanitarian aid. "Of these, [EUR] 1.3 million were spent on helping Mariupol, in particular, on setting up a medical laboratory in its Skhidny district, which suffered from shelling in the winter of 2015. The city was also able to purchase new trolleybuses, and today the first hostel for 35 families of IDPs has been opened," Gerashchenko said.
The European commissioner drew particular attention to the responsibility of the Verkhovna Rada for bringing Ukrainian legislation in compliance with European standards, in the context of the ratification of the Association Agreement.
Gerashchenko said that in Mariupol, Hahn examined Skhidny district, which was reconstructed after being damaged by shelling, and visited a medical laboratory and hostels, which were built and reconstructed using the European money.