14:28 01.04.2017

Turchynov declares collection of old books and paintings, $800,000 and EUR 10,000 in bank

1 min read
Turchynov declares collection of old books and paintings, $800,000 and EUR 10,000 in bank

Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov has declared a collection of old books, valuable paintings, watches, copyrights to books. The NSDC secretary has no real estate and no cars.

According to his electronic declaration, in 2016 Turchynov received income in the form of salary of almost UAH 513,000, UAH 1.7 million as interest from his deposits in Oschadbank, and UAH 23,000 from sales of securities and corporate rights.

Turchynov has UAH 50,000, $800,000 and EUR 10,000 on his accounts in Oschadbank, and $735,000, EUR 55,000 and UAH 320,000 in cash.

Turchynov's wife owns an apartment of 383 square meters in Kyiv, two parking spaces and a Toyota Highlander car (2013). In 2016 she received UAH 97,000 in wages, UAH 350,000 from sales of securities and corporate rights. She keeps EUR 9,000 and slightly more than UAH 1,000 in a bank.