12:47 29.05.2019

Turchynov on Shrufrych complaint to PGO: If history was repeated, I would do the same thing

1 min read
Turchynov on Shrufrych complaint to PGO: If history was repeated, I would do the same thing

Ex-Secretary of Ukraine's National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) Oleksandr Turchynov has said Opposition Bloc faction parliament deputy Nestor Shufrych is a dupe for an attempt by pro-Russia forces to take revenge on Ukraine by filing a complaint against him to the Prosecutor General's Office (PGO), State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) and SBU State Security Service.

"Shufrych requested criminal proceedings against me be opened for an order I gave in 2014 to destroy enemies and defend his country from Russian invaders. For Shufrych, defending Ukraine is a crime, but I am sure that it is a duty for every Ukrainian to protect his state from the rubbish that seeks to deprive us of our land, our freedom and our independence. If I had it to do all over again, I would give the same orders," Turchynov said on Facebook on Wednesday.

Turchynov said Shufrych's complaint is not uncommon these days.

"[Ex-President Viktor] Yanukovych's entourage is the pro-Russia "fifth column." They are raising their heads these days, looking for a rematch. But I am convinced Ukrainian patriots, wherever they work, in government or non-state institutions, will quash their attempts at revenge, in the rear and on the battlefield," he said.