MP Friz to raise issue of "Ukrainian providers" of Kremlin policy at U.S. State Department

Head of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine's subcommittee on security for state information systems (of the Rada's national state security committee) Iryna Friz (Petro Poroshenko Party faction bloc) has said Russia started to actively use its agents in Ukrainian politics and will raise the issue at the U.S. State Department.
"The Kremlin has begun aggravating the situation and started to use its agents in Ukraine's political establishment more actively. Artemenko (Rada deputy) began the information attack involving Crimea, and MP [Nadia] Savchenko vis a vis Donbas. I am certain the two are connected," Friz wrote on her Facebook page on Monday.
Friz also expressed the belief that "Kremlin sleeper agents" will be activated more often, requiring a "quicker and more forceful response" [by authorities].
"We don't want to engage in witch hunts. But the Ukrainian deputies and politicians as a conduit for Kremlin propaganda is a reality. A measured response is required. I think Ukraine may need a modern variant of the American House of Un-American Activities Committee," the deputy said.
Friz said she would raise the "issue of Kremlin information agents" in Ukraine in her meetings at the U.S. State Department. She earlier appealed to Ukraine's SBU Security Service for a legal appraisal of the actions by Artemenko involving his proposal to lease the Crimean peninsula to Russia.
MP Savchenko on February 24 visited Donetsk and militant-controlled Makiyivka, where Ukrainian soldiers are being held prisoner by combined Russian-separatist forces.