18:31 01.02.2017

Contact Group on Ukraine calls conflict sides in Donbas to strictly observe comprehensive ceasefire

1 min read
Contact Group on Ukraine calls conflict sides in Donbas to strictly observe comprehensive ceasefire

The Trilateral Contact Group on Ukraine has negotiated a truce on the contact line at a meeting in Minsk and called on the conflict sides to observe the ceasefire, envoy of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) in the Trilateral Contact Group on Ukraine Martin Sajdik told reporters.

The Contact Group calls for a strict observance of the full and comprehensive ceasefire in the areas delimited by Donetsk airport, Avdiivka and Yasynuvata, as well as along the entire contact line, he said.

And to withdraw hardware subjected to the Minsk Agreements to the distance determined by them and to storage facilities by February 5, he said.