17:49 08.11.2016

Novinsky returns to Ukraine, will ask party faction to support PGO request to lift immunity from prosecution

2 min read
Novinsky returns to Ukraine, will ask party faction to support PGO request to lift immunity from prosecution

Opposition bloc faction MP Vadym Novinsky says he will be in parliament when the draft law to holding him criminally accountable is floored in the session chamber. In addition, he says he will ask colleagues from the Opposition bloc to support him.

"On the day the bill is floored in the Verkhovna Rada I will be in the session hall. I can assure you of this. As I promised, I have returned. I have returned," Novinsky told journalists in the airport upon his arrival to Kyiv on Tuesday.

"I will appeal to members of my faction to support the measure. I seek truth and justice in this fabricated case against me," he said.

The deputy said that he has not formally been served with the representation of the Prosecutor General's Office (PGO) Head Yuriy Lutskenko to hold him criminally accountable.

"Rada leaders, turned to the parliament's rules committee when they received the PGO representation, but should have notified me officially, not via Facebook," he said.

As earlier reported, on November 3 PGO Head Yuriy Lutsenko posted on his Facebook page a photocopy of the PGO's representation to the Rada to hold Novinsky criminally liable.

According to the document, Novinsky is suspected of exceeding his official authority by unlawfully curtailing the freedom of Oleksandr (Drabynko) – the assistant of the deceased former representative of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) Volodymyr (Sabodan), a violation of Part 2 of Article 146 and Part 1 of Article 365 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Novinsky says the case against him is politically motivated and that he does not fear the removal of his immunity from prosecution. He has also declared that he has no intention to flee the country, despite making a planned trip to Athos [a mountain and peninsula in northeastern Greece] on November 4.