Eight asset statements submitted since launch of e-declaration system in Ukraine
Eight asset statements have been submitted by civil servants since the launch of the e-declaration system in Ukraine on August 15, according to the national state register of income declarations by representatives of the central and local governments.
Asset statements were provided by the head of the IT division of the main department of the State Migration Service of Ukraine in Kyiv; the head of the law and HR unit of the labor and social protection department of Kyiv's Shevchenkivsky district state administration, the director of the international technical aid and international cooperation department of Lviv Regional State Administration, the head of the city planning cadastre of Rivne regional state administration's architecture department.
Income declarations were also submitted by the head of the personnel department of the Supreme Court of Ukraine and the chief specialist of the risk operations monitoring unit at the Energy and Coal Industry Ministry's internal audit department.
A prosecutor of the Korostyshiv local prosecutor's office in Zhytomyr region submitted two income declarations for different periods: for 2015 and for January 1, 2016 – August 14, 2016.