14:28 18.06.2016

Kremlin supports Poroshenko's idea to arm OSCE observers along contact line in Donbas

1 min read
Kremlin supports Poroshenko's idea to arm OSCE observers along contact line in Donbas

Moscow has agreed to the proposal made by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to arm OSCE monitors along the line of contact in Donbas, Russian Presidential Administration chief Sergei Ivanov said.

"It wasn't for the first time that President Putin said that we agree to the proposal made by Petro Oleksiyovych Poroshenko to increase security of the OSCE [mission], which often finds itself on the firing line [...] to let them protect themselves, at least. We don't mind them having a Makarov pistol or a Walter handgun on them, whatever they like; [they should] have light small arms on them so to simply protect themselves, elementary," Ivanov said in an interview with Sergei Brylyov, the presenter of the Vesti v Subbotu (News on Saturday) show on Rossiya-1 (VGTRK) TV channel, which was broadcast in Russia's Far East.

Ivanov went on to clarify that he only meant the OSCE monitors at the contact line, not members of the OSCE electoral mission that may be observing at elections (in southeastern Ukraine).

"We agree to this, but to be endorsed, this will need a consensus agreement reached by all OSCE members. If we have that [consensus reached], then I don't mind it," Ivanov said.