People in Ukraine to be able to voluntarily surrender weapons in March

Ukraine has declared the upcoming month of March as a month when people who are illegally possessing weapons will be able to voluntarily surrender them to avoid prosecution, the Ukrainian national police press service reports.
"With the aim of excluding weapons, ammunition, explosives, and special means from illegal turnover, the Ukrainian national police will observe a month of voluntary surrender from March 1 through March 31, 2016," it said.
Those who voluntarily contact police within the aforementioned period to surrender weapons, ammunition, explosives, and special means they possess illegally, will be exempted from criminal liability in keeping with Ukrainian Criminal Code Article 263, it said.
In addition, if someone voluntarily surrenders unregistered hunting firearms, cold weapons, or gas pistols to the national police within the aforementioned period of time, they would be able, following the observance of certain formal procedures, to register and legally possess them.
Ukrainian-made devices using non-lethal rubber bullets "shall be registered subject to applicable Ukrainian law," it said.