Jaresko, UNESCO head discuss protection of Chersonesus Taurica in occupied Crimea

Ukrainian Finance Minister Natalie Jaresko, who is now visiting Davos, Switzerland, has met with Director General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Irina Bokova to discuss the protection of the Chersonesus Taurica historical monument, which is located in the occupied Crimea.
"Honored to meet Irina Bokova last night, Director General of UNESCO. We talked about the role of UNESCO is protecting cultural heritage sights in Ukraine, including Khersones (Chersonesus) in illegally annexed Crimea," Jaresko wrote on her Facebook on Wednesday.
She also said that they "brainstormed a bit about how to increase UN engagement in Ukraine beyond its current activities."
"In particular, we discussed some of the UN education/connectivity efforts that could be adapted for Ukraine as well. Ms. Bokova's experience in working on Bulgaria's European integration provides helpful insights for Ukraine's journey today," Jaresko added.