Cabinet sets up ad hoc group to prepare state companies for privatization

The Cabinet of Ministers has created an ad hoc group to hammer out recommendations and proposals regarding the privatization and terms of the sale of state-owned enterprises, and adopted the provisions on the group's work.
Relevant Cabinet decree No. 525 of June 24 was published on the government's website on August 3.
The Cabinet appointed the chairman of the State Property Fund (SPF) to head the ad hoc group. The government also decided that the group should include its deputy head (the SPF's deputy chairman), and the secretary of the group will be elected from among SPF representatives. The group will also consist of the deputy minister of economic development and trade, the senior adviser to the minister of economic development and trade, the deputy minister of the cabinet, the first deputy finance minister, the first deputy minister of energy and coal industry, the Cabinet secretariat's director of the department for the effective management of state property, and a state authorized representative of the Antimonopoly Committee.
The group will be a provisional advisory and consultative government agency whose main tasks will be to make recommendations and suggestions to draft Cabinet resolutions on the privatization and terms of the sale of state-run enterprises. It will also raise international financial and technical assistance in preparing and putting the enterprises up for sale. It will also hire a contractor to prepare the enterprises for privatization and determine sources to pay for the contractor's services, including at the expense of international financial and technical aid.