18:25 06.06.2014

Ukrainian National Guard command distances itself from calls on Poroshenko to impose state of emergency in southeast

1 min read

The Ukrainian National Guard command has expressed its outrage over an appeal by the so-called national guard public headquarters to Ukrainian President-Elect Petro Poroshenko with suggestions on the situation in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

"We demand that unreliable claims made on behalf of the Ukrainian National Guard and thus discrediting the military formation stop immediately. This public organization is not a formally registered public organization and has no right to make formal statements on behalf of the Ukrainian National Guard," the National Guard said in a press release issued on Friday.

The head of the "public headquarters" Volodymyr Volkov must stop making statements on our behalf because he was not authorized by anyone to do so, the National Guard said.

"Otherwise, the Ukrainian National Guard Command will have to take this matter to a court," the command said.

Earlier on Friday the national guard "public headquarters" urged Poroshenko to resolve the situation in east Ukraine by closing the border with Russia and introducing a state of emergency in the eastern regions. Furthermore, the president-elect was asked to reinforce border troops with parts of Ukrainian armed forces and issue a defense command to the National Guard.