Klitschko to run for president

Ukrainian party UDAR leader Vitali Klitschko has confirmed his intentions to run for president.
"I will run for the position of the president of Ukraine because I am absolutely confident that it is time for Ukraine to change the rules of the game completely. There must be justice. I am positive this can be done," the politician told reporters in Kyiv on Tuesday.
The early election has been scheduled for May 25. The election campaign was launched on February 25.
According to Klitschko, the Ukrainian government will set professional and moral standards for its candidate members.
"The government formation will be based on key principles, professionalism and moral qualities in the first turn. The economic situation is critical and we have a limited period of time for recovery," the UDAR leader said.
Klitschko said he did not see himself as a government member and added that parliament factions did not possess any quotas in the prospective government.