17:34 25.11.2013

Collection of signatures in support of Association Agreement with EU begins in Donetsk

1 min read
Collection of signatures in support of Association Agreement with EU begins in Donetsk

Activists of the rallies in support of European integration organized at the Monument to Taras Shevchenko in central Donetsk began collecting signatures in support of the signing of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU at the Eastern Partnership summit in Vilnius.

Kateryna Zhemchuzhnikova, one of the organizers of the EuroMaidan rally in Donetsk, said that the people supporting the European integration of Ukraine are not pursuing any political goals.

"We are outside politics, and even of representatives of any political forces taking part in this rally, they come here without their party symbols. Only the flags of Ukraine and the European Union can be here," she said.

Zhemchuzhnikova said the decision to collect signatures in support of Ukraine's European integration was made by the organizers of the rally in solidarity with activists of the EuroMaidan rally in Kyiv.

Some thirty activists took part in the action to support the signing of the Association Agreement in Donetsk on Monday.