Authorities disrupt Tymoshenko's meeting with associates due to fear of ex-premier, united opposition – Lutsenko

The authorities disrupted a meeting between convicted former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and her associates, as they are afraid of the ex-premier and the united opposition of Ukraine, former Ukrainian Interior Minister Yuriy Lutsenko has said.
"We were going to discuss the coordination of the opposition's efforts and a proper response to [Ukrainian President Viktor] Yanukovych's failure to sign the [Association] Agreement between Ukraine and the EU," Lutsenko told journalists outside Central Clinical Hospital No. 5 in Kharkiv on Friday.
"But the authorities are afraid of Tymoshenko. They are even afraid of her words, they are afraid of her advice, they are even afraid of the fact that the leaders of the opposition could meet in her ward and then bring Tymoshenko's energy, our joint energy, to millions of Ukrainians. The authorities are afraid of this – unification of people."
He stressed that the authorities "hinder any attempts of Ukrainian politicians for joint actions."
"It's clear, as 75% of the population oppose Yanukovych, and this means that any unification is a disaster for Yanukovych," Lutsenko said.
He also called on Ukrainians to attend a rally in support of the country's aspiration for European integration on European Square in Kyiv on November 24.