17:33 28.08.2013

EP suggests raising Russia-Ukraine trade problems issue at G20 Summit in St. Petersburg, says MEP

2 min read

The European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs has suggested that the European Commission and the EU member states raise the issue of Russia-Ukraine trade relations at the upcoming G20 Summit in St. Petersburg next week in the light of the recent trade-related problems between the two countries.

According to an Interfax-Ukraine reporter, Chairman of the European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs Elmar Brok (Group of the European People's Party, Germany) said this in Brussels on Wednesday while talking to journalists.

"Russia's behavior is absolutely unacceptable. We're calling on the European Commission and member states to clearly assess the issue today, as well as put it on the agenda during the G20 Summit in St. Petersburg next week," he said.

Brok added that recent statements made by the Russian side in relation to Ukraine and its threats "to use the price of gas and other things in order to prevent Ukraine from the signing of the agreement contradict any international rules."

"Any country has the right to choose independently its partners in the spheres of trade or politics and its allies. Thus, it is Kyiv that is to decide on the signing of the Association Agreement, and not Moscow or Brussels," the MEP said.

In connection with this, Brok noted that if the Ukrainian government is doing the utmost to sign the agreement, the European Parliament will ratify the document "very soon."

"We hope that the next two and a half months will be used [by the Ukrainian government] for this," Brok said.

In addition, the issue on Russia-Ukraine relations in the light of the signing of the Association Agreement will be on the agenda of the first autumn session of the EP in Strasbourg and a resolution will be passed on it, the politician said.