French ambassador hopes for intensification of political contacts between Kyiv and Paris
French Ambassador to Ukraine Alain Remy has said he hopes that the political dialog between the Ukrainian and French authorities will be intensified.
The diplomat said in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine that political ties between the two countries should be intensified, as senior French officials did not visit Ukraine last year.
"We would like to get out of this situation after the elections [parliamentary elections in Ukraine in 2012]," he said.
Remy said that relations between the two countries in culture, economy and business were constantly developing.
"The economy, business and culture are doing well, and politics not. But political contacts are necessary, because politics decides a lot through bilateral visits and contacts," he said, adding that 150 French companies are currently operating in Ukraine.
He said that the policy of boycotting Euro 2012 matches in Ukraine had been declared not only by representatives of the French authorities, but also a number of other EU countries.
"This is a European policy that that was announced very clearly. No visits were also made from Germany, Spain and Italy," Remy said.
The diplomat expressed hope that bilateral visits would be made more frequently in future, as the French side is set to intensify the dialog.