11:21 27.12.2012

Svoboda leader Tiahnybok: Opposition to make parliamentary committees work

1 min read
Svoboda leader Tiahnybok: Opposition to make parliamentary committees work

Opposition factions will make parliamentary committees work, Svoboda faction leader Oleh Tiahnybok has said.

"Our task is to make all of the 29 committees and a special commission on privatization work," he said live on the TVi Channel on Wednesday.

He said that committees of the Verkhovna Rada of the previous convocation were inefficient.

"The opposition had an opportunity to fulfill controlling functions despite the fact that committees were distributed unfairly," Tiahnybok said.

As reported, of the 29 parliamentary committees, the Regions Party received 14, Batkivschyna nine and Vitali Klitschko's UDAR Party three.

Representatives of the factions of the Svoboda All-Ukrainian Union, the Communist Party and former Parliament Speaker Volodymyr Lytvyn each headed one committee.

The parliament's special commission on privatization is headed by a representative of the Communist Party.