Finland provides EUR 3 mln for food security in Ukraine, including demining of farmland

Finland is providing EUR 3 million in additional support to improve food security in Ukraine, the official portal of the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs "Suomi ulkomailla" ("Finland Abroad") reported on Friday.
"The funding supports the transportation of grain from Ukraine to countries whose food security situation is affected by the consequences of Russia's war of aggression. Part of the funds will be used to clear mines in the Ukrainian countryside so that agricultural production can be resumed," the ministry said.
Finland supported the World Food Programme (WFP) and grain supplies from Ukraine to mitigate the consequences of the Russian aggressive war: grain is purchased from Ukraine and delivered to African countries suffering from a food crisis.
"Of the support currently provided, EUR 2 million will go as humanitarian aid to the Grain from Ukraine initiative implemented by the WFP. In the past, Finland supported grain transportation for EUR 11.5 million," the ministry said.
At the same time, Finland supports mine clearance in Ukraine, for which WFP and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) have launched a project that combines mine clearance, humanitarian assistance and development cooperation. The project was prepared in close cooperation with the Ukrainian administration.
The additional funding increases Finland's support for humanitarian demining in Ukraine to a total of approximately EUR 8.25 million, it said.
"By supporting the restoration of Ukraine's agricultural sector in war-torn regions, we are helping to restore the country's food security and economic activity," Finnish Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Ville Tavio said.
On November 25, Ukraine will organize a food security summit, the purpose of which is to draw attention to the impact of the Russian aggressive war on food security. A recorded speech by Finnish Prime Minister Petteri Orpo will be presented at the summit.