Inflation in Ukraine up to 1.9% in Sept, to 24.6% in annual terms - statistics

The growth of consumer prices in Ukraine in September 2022 accelerated to 1.9% from 1.1% in August and 0.7% in July, the State Statistics Service reported on Monday.
In September last year, inflation of 1.3% was recorded, so in annual terms, in September this year, it rose to 24.6% from 23.8% in August, 22.2% in July and 21.5% in June.
Underlying inflation increased to 2.4% last month from 2.1% in August and 1.2% in July.
Since the beginning of this year, for the nine months, consumer prices in Ukraine have increased by 21.8%, the service said.
The National Bank estimated inflation in September a little more modestly - at 24.4%, and announced the possibility of slightly improving its forecast for the year from the previously announced 31%.
As reported, in 2021 inflation in Ukraine rose to 10% from 5% in 2020 and 4.1% in 2019, while underlying inflation rose to 7.9% against 4.5% a year earlier.
The NBU predicts that inflation will accelerate to 31% this year, including up to 25.6% in the third quarter.