16:37 04.08.2022

Hetmantsev announces creation of state agency to implement Recovery Plan

2 min read
Hetmantsev announces creation of state agency to implement Recovery Plan

The plan for the restoration of Ukraine has already begun to be implemented, several laws have been adopted, but for better coordination it is planned to create a special state development Agency, Secretary of the National Council for Recovery Danylo Hetmantsev said.

"It will be such an executive body in the structure of bodies that has a cross-cutting function - the restoration of the country… The government is inclined to believe that it will be a state institution following the example of InvestUkraine," he said at a meeting with the European Business Association on Thursday.

Hetmantsev explained that the National Recovery Council is finalizing the draft Plan, but cannot give instructions to the authorities and monitor their implementation. Therefore, it is proposed to create an Agency that will be an executive body, will be able to coordinate the work of ministries, maintain contact with foreign partners, propose changes to the plan and solve many other issues.

Commenting on the criticism that this function could be performed by the Ministry of Economy and whether it is worth increasing the number of state bodies, the Secretary of the National Council stressed that "the restoration of the country implies not only the economy, this includes culture, education, medicine, security."

Answering questions about the date of the final approval of the Recovery Plan, Hetmantsev noted that "we do not know where the front will be, this is the main risk, and we will adjust actions and the document for it."

"Therefore, it cannot be approved once and for all," he explained.

The Secretary of the National Council recalled that the first part of the plan is what can and should be done now, and this work has already begun, in particular, by passing the necessary laws by parliament.

"Two strategic frameworks are the constant threat of war and integration into the EU, we are starting out from them," Hetmantsev stressed.

As reported, preliminary costs for the implementation of a 10-year Recovery Plan are estimated at about $750 billion. It includes about 850 projects. The scope of the plan implies close cooperation between the state, business and the international community.