11:54 27.02.2021

Fitch affirms Ukraine at 'B', outlook stable

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Fitch affirms Ukraine at 'B', outlook stable

Fitch Ratings has affirmed Ukraine's Long-Term Foreign-Currency Issuer Default Rating (IDR) at 'B' with a stable outlook, the agency said on its website.

"Ukraine's 'B' IDRs reflect its track record of multilateral support and a credible macroeconomic policy framework that has underpinned a relatively high degree of resilience to the coronavirus shock. Ukraine's human development indicators compare favorably with the peer group, it has a net external creditor position of close to 13% of GDP, and general government debt is somewhat lower than the 'B' median. Set against these factors are weak governance indicators, a high degree of legislative and judicial risk to policy implementation, and low external liquidity relative to a large sovereign external debt service requirement," the report says.

"The stable outlook reflects expectations for gradual fiscal consolidation and continuation of macroeconomic policies that helped preserve broad stability in external finances during last year's shock. The ability to issue eurobonds and available domestic liquidity has provided some limited space to manage a delay over the next six months in completing the first review of the IMF Stand-By Arrangement (SBA). The coronavirus shock temporarily reversed improvements made in recent years in terms of a declining debt burden and normalization of growth prospects after the 2014-2015 geopolitical and economic crises. At the same time, the political position of the administration has weakened somewhat and recent Constitutional Court policy reversals further underline the risks to SBA compliance, which constrain the rating," according to the document.