12:26 28.12.2020

EBRD places announcement on purchase of new cars for Kyiv metro

1 min read
EBRD places announcement on purchase of new cars for Kyiv metro

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has posted announcements on the purchase of new cars for Kyiv Metropoliten, the press service of Kyiv metro has said.

"The auction will consist of two lots. The first of them is the purchase of five trains with separate cars (25 cars). And the second is five trains with a gangway (25 cars). This type of cars has not been used before in the metropolitan subway," the metro said on its website.

The tender is scheduled for March 11, 2021. By this date, participants will submit their applications on the appropriate EBRD form. The procedure is carried out on the bank's platform.

The metro also recalled that in October Kyiv City Council approved the attraction of an EBRD loan for the purchase of 50 metro cars. The new rolling stock is planned to be used on the green line after the opening of the new stations Mostytska and Prospekt Pravdy.