Ukraine is defendant in 21 cases for UAH 250 bln in foreign jurisdictions under foreign investors' claims

Ukraine is a defendant in 21 cases for UAH 250 billion in foreign jurisdictions under claims filed by foreign investors and counterparties of central government bodies in relation to commercial contracts concluded by them.
The relevant information is contained in the explanatory report to the draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers with amendments to financing the costs to be spent on defending the rights and interests of Ukraine during disputes settlement in foreign jurisdictions.
The government intended to consider the draft resolution, which proposes to expand the expenses range for representing the country's interests in foreign jurisdictions at a meeting on Wednesday, February 26. This is, in particular, about financing foreign business trips for authorized persons of the Ministry of Justice and other bodies, as well as purchasing books, publications, subscribing to information and analytical Internet resources regarding the settlement of international disputes.
According to the explanatory report, the current statistics of foreign investors' appeals with claims and lawsuits against the state of Ukraine suggests that the trend of filing new claims against Ukraine on the basis of international agreements on promotion and protection of foreign investment will continue.