12:49 09.04.2019

Ukraine's GDP grows by 1.2% in Jan-Feb

1 min read
Ukraine's GDP grows by 1.2% in Jan-Feb

The Economic Development and Trade Ministry of Ukraine has assessed growth of real Ukraine's GDP at 1.2% (a change of plus or minus 0.2 percentage, p.p.) in January and February 2019 year-over-year.

The ministry said on Tuesday that active operations of construction enterprises and enterprises providing services (transport, retail trade, education, health care and banking sectors) contributed to growth.

In particular, the volume of construction of engineering structures increased 36.9%, nonresidential buildings 18.6%, and capital expenditures of the consolidated budget increased 30.9%.

At the same time, the aggregated indicator of the real sector of the economy – the composite index of production of goods and services by main types of economic activity (CIP) – for the first two months of this year decreased 0.5%.

The ministry said that this is better than in January, when the decline was 1.5%, but worse than the results of the two months of 2018, when the CIP grew by 4%.