10:53 22.06.2018

Govt permits police to control customs officers around the clock

2 min read
Govt permits police to control customs officers around the clock

 The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as an experiment to increase customs payments has expanded powers of policemen to control customs officers via passing resolution No. 479 dated June 20, which was published in the Uriadovy Kurier newspaper and took effect.

"The police have the right to stay in the customs control zones at checkpoints across the state border and in other places of the customs territory of Ukraine where the bodies of the State Fiscal Service carry out customs clearance, in order to identify the facts of violation of customs rules," the government said.

According to the document, policemen and officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs also obtained the right of having access to the Inspector 2006 automated system of customs clearance. In the next week, the State Fiscal Service should determine the procedure for providing police and officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with access to the system.

The term of the experiment is established till the end of the current year.

According to the document, the Cabinet also ordered the Ministry of Internal Affairs and State Fiscal Service to submit monthly reports on the progress of the experiment, starting from September 1 of this year, as well as proposals for legislative changes based on the results of the experiment.