Poroshenko signs public procurement monitoring bill

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has signed a bill amending the law on public procurement and some other laws about monitoring of procurement, according to a posting on the official website of the head of state made on Tuesday.
"The law allows public financial supervisors effectively monitor procurement to prevent violation in the area and see how customers observe legislation at all stages of procurement. The law would help preventing the loss of public funds via toughening supervision over public procurement and creates conditions for fighting corruption in this area," the report said.
The president said that the amendments to the law on public procurement signed by him introduce automatic risk management for procurement.
"Online risk indicator system will work, which will signal to the supervision agency that something is wrong with this participant. First of all, this new rule addresses those who have learned or are learning to play tricks with ProZorro. The algorithms will prompt what exactly to look at, how at the earliest possible stages to find those who want to bypass the system," Poroshenko said.
At the same time, the head of state said that the ProZorro platform has already improved the public procurement sector, saving "tens of billions of budget funds."