EBRD issues EUR 400,000 to ten Ukrainian companies to support climate projects

Ten Ukrainian companies have received vouchers in the amount of EUR 400,000 of non-repayable financial assistance for the development of technologies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the use of energy resources in the framework of the program "Climate Innovation Vouchers" (CIV) from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), EBRD Senior Adviser Anton Usov said on his Facebook page.
According to a report on the CIV website, the companies will spend the funds received on the development of technologies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy use in agriculture, public utilities, transport, aerospace and other sectors.
The team of the public organization Greencubator, authorized by the EBRD for the selection of projects among private companies to reduce harmful emissions to the environment and energy consumption, selected the winners of the second stage of the CIV project from more than 40 Ukrainian companies that submitted their proposals for the tender. Industry experts and representatives of the Kyiv and London offices of the EBRD took part in the selection.
According to Executive Director of 1991 Open Data Incubator Yevhenia Klepa, the winners in the tender are Auto Enterprise, Des Electronics, Ecoprod, Prana, Rotor, SolarGaps, X-bim 3D, Yunasko Ukraine , as well as the New Energy project of Maksym Karpash.
The Climate Innovation Vouchers program with a total fund of EUR 1 million supports Ukrainian developers of climate-friendly technologies. By the end of 2018 it is planned to support about 50 innovative projects in Ukraine within the program.