16:46 18.12.2017

Cabinet intends to adopt deregulation package abolishing over 300 regulations - Groysman

1 min read
Cabinet intends to adopt deregulation package abolishing over 300 regulations - Groysman

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine intends to abolish about 300 normative acts in the sphere of state control over enterprises' activity on December 18.

"Today we will adopt a deregulation package, over 300 acts will be canceled today. We will change the approach in state supervision, we will not support the current system when fines are imposed for formal reasons. But we also need to determine the most basic criteria that enterprises must meet - there must be due fire safety, food security," Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman said, when opening a government meeting in Kyiv on Monday.

According to the prime minister, changes to the system of state supervision in 2018 will provide an opportunity to get rid of "this rudiment of the Soviet system of supervision and control."

"As regards the moratorium on checks, it will be reasonable. On the one hand, we set the task to ensure a high degree of security, and on the other hand, that the monitoring of enterprises' activity should be absolutely weighed, without abuse. Today's meeting of the government is another step that will allow us to stop the state racket of controlling structures. We will stop this racket," the premier said.