18:43 21.10.2016

Growth in industrial production in Ukraine slows down to 2% in Sept

1 min read
Growth in industrial production in Ukraine slows down to 2% in Sept

Industrial production in Ukraine in September 2016 grew by 2% compared to the same month of 2015, while in September the increase was 3.4% after the decline in July by 0.2% and in June by 3.4%, the State Statistics Service has reported.

According to a new formula of data provision, the agency said that adjusted for the effect of calendar days industrial production in September 2016 from September last year increased by 2.2% compared with an increase of 1.5% in August and 0.9% in July.

In general, in the first nine months of 2016 growth in industrial production remained at 2%.

The service said in September compared to August this year industrial production increased by 4.4% and taking into account the seasonal factor by 1.6%.