Interpipe transfers UAH 46 mln to Naftogaz as prepayment for gas in Jan

Interpipe pipe and wheel producer (Dnipropetrovsk) continues to regularly transfer prepayment for gas consumed in production, and its plants transferred UAH 46 million to NJSC Naftogaz Ukrainy as of January 1, 2016, as prepayment.
The sum was transferred under the current contracts between Interpipe's plants, which are the customers, and NJSC Naftogaz Ukrainy, which is the supplier of industrial gas, the company said in a press release.
What is more, the plants have no debts to Naftogaz or its incorporated companies for consumed gas.
"Interpipe and Naftogaz are now settling the issue of fines for the already cleared debts," the press service said.
Interpipe is a strategic partner of the oil and gas industry, a responsible payer for gas and a reliable supplier of pipes for oil and gas producers in Ukraine.
The following enterprises incorporated into Interpipe are major gas consumers: PJSC Interpipe NTRP, Interpipe NIKO TUBE, Interpipe NMPP, Novomoskovsky Posud Ltd., PrJSC Nikopol repairing plant, and MZ Dniprosteel Ltd. (Interpipe Steel).
Interpipe is the integrated pipe and wheel company, a member of the TOP 10 list of the world's largest seamless pipe producers. It is also the third largest producer of solid-rolled railway wheels in the world. Its commodities are marketed in more than 80 countries around the world through a network of sales offices located in key markets of the CIS, the Middle East, North America, and Europe.
The ultimate owner of Interpipe Limited is Ukrainian businessman Viktor Pinchuk.