18:10 02.07.2015

Cabinet replaces Head of State Service of Specialized Communications

1 min read
Cabinet replaces Head of State Service of Specialized Communications

Director of the Ukrainian research-to-practice institute of special equipment and forensics of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) Leonid Yevdochenko has been appointed as Head of the State Service of Specialized Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine.

Corresponding decree No. 660 was issued on July 1 and posted on the cabinet's website on Thursday. With decree No. 59, the Cabinet dismissed Volodymyr Zverev from the same position as he had changed jobs.

Yevdochenko was Head of SBU Scientific and Technical Department in 2006-2009. After its dissolution under the leadership of Valentyn Nalyvaichenko, who was SBU Chief in 2009, Yevdochenko was appointed as head of the above-mentioned institute. In 2010 he was dismissed from that position, however in May 2014 he was reappointed.

Zverev was Head of the State Service of Specialized Communications in March 2014, and in 2008-2011 he was a member of the National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatization.