14:06 16.05.2024

Head of NATO Military Committee: Ukraine demonstrates capability to achieve unprecedented success on battlefield, but needs our help

2 min read
Head of NATO Military Committee: Ukraine demonstrates capability to achieve unprecedented success on battlefield, but needs our help

Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, Admiral Rob Bauer, said that Ukraine needs the help of allies in the fight against Russian aggression and assured of continued support.

"Ukraine has demonstrated to the world that it has the ability to achieve unprecedented success on the battlefield. There is nothing they cannot do. All they need… is our help. Luckily, more help is on the way," he said during opening remarks at a meeting of the Military Chiefs of Defense Committee on Thursday.

"Time in Ukraine is not measured in days, weeks or months. It is measured in human lives... Ukraine will have our support for every day that is to come," Bauer said.

"And just as you, Mr Secretary General, have rightly stated: it is not too late for Ukraine to prevail. Ukraine's freedom cannot, must not, and will not die. And Allies, if faced with a choice between meeting the NATO capability targets or supporting Ukraine… should support Ukraine. Stocks can and will be replenished. Lives lost, are lost forever," he said.

He also informed that a meeting with the Ukrainian military leadership is planned later in the format of the NATO-Ukraine Council, within the framework of which the Ukrainians will inform about the current situation in Ukraine.

"Together, we will discuss our continued support to Ukraine in this monumental fight," Bauer said.

Citing the larger geostrategic impact of the war against Ukraine, Admiral Bauer added: "The world is on a historical crossroads, not only between democracy and autocracy. This is very much also about impunity versus accountability."