DTEK restores power supply to 38,500 subscribers in Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk regions within one week

Power engineers of the distribution system operators DTEK Grids restored power supply to 35 populated areas from February 19 to February 25 and returned electricity to the homes of 38,500 families in Donetsk and Dnipropetrovsk regions, which were de-energized due to constant enemy shelling.
"Donetsk region remains the zone of the most active hostilities, where power grids and substations are damaged daily due to constant shelling. Last week, it was possible to restore electricity to the homes of 31,700 families in the front-line region," the energy holding said in a press release on Tuesday.
As the company reported, Dnipropetrovsk region, especially the south of the region, is constantly suffering due to regular shelling. Here, within a week, DTEK specialists managed to restore a number of damaged networks and return power to 6,800 families.
"Since the beginning of the full-scale war, we have already returned electricity to 11 million families in Kyiv region, Dnipropetrovsk region, Odesa region, Donbas and the city of Kyiv. In some settlements close to the combat zone, we have returned electricity dozens of times," said CEO of DTEK Grids Oleksandr Fomenko.
DTEK Grids is developing a business in the distribution of electricity and operation of electrical networks in the city of Kyiv, Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk and Odesa regions. The energy holding's distribution system operators serve 5.4 million households and 150,000 enterprises.