11:13 26.02.2024

Lubinets confirms execution of seven Ukrainian POWs by Russians near Bakhmut; will appeal to UN, ICRC

2 min read
Lubinets confirms execution of seven Ukrainian POWs by Russians near Bakhmut; will appeal to UN, ICRC

Ukrainian Human Rights Commissioner Dmytro Lubinets confirmed the execution of seven unarmed Ukrainian soldiers near Bakhmut who were about to surrender, calling it another Russian war crime.

"The Russians again shot Ukrainian soldiers who were surrendering," he said in Telegram channel.

According to him, this is another war crime, which probably occurred on February 24 in Bakhmut region.

Lubinets said the video distributed on Telegram channels shows that the Ukrainian servicemen are surrendering. In particular, their hands were raised up, they showed that they were unarmed and did not pose a threat.

"The Russians should have taken them prisoner, but instead they mercilessly shot them," he said.

However, Lubinets did not name the exact number of Ukrainians shot by the Russians, but there were probably at least seven. "These are military personnel of the Defense Forces of Ukraine," he said.

Lubinets said the Ukrainian side knows which military unit the Russian soldiers are from.

"This case must be recorded as another violation by Russia of international humanitarian law. In this regard, I will immediately send official letters to the UN and ICRC so that the organizations record and publicly admit that the Russian military is killing Ukrainian prisoners," Lubinets said.

"For the Russian army, the Geneva Conventions, rules and customs of war mean nothing. They act according to their unspoken 'conventions,' 'rules' and 'customs' – cruelty, meanness, baseness. Such murders of prisoners of war are not isolated cases. There should be punishment for them punishment," the ombudsman said.

Earlier, a video of the Russian army shooting Ukrainian soldiers who were unarmed and had their hands raised high above their heads began distributing on Telegram channels.