Czech Republic, Slovakia stand ready to intensify their support of Ukraine's ambition to join NATO once conditions allow for it – three presidents' joint declaration

In a joint declaration adopted on Friday, the Presidents of Ukraine, the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic agreed that "a sovereign, free and democratic Ukraine is one of the key factors for ensuring security and stability in Europe."
They deplored "attempts of the Russian Federation to forcefully change the internationally recognized borders threatening both the foundations of peace and stability in Europe and international security, which thus must be faced collectively and globally."
The leaders of the three countries "reiterate that the Russian Federation must immediately, completely, and unconditionally withdraw all of its military and paramilitary forces from the internationally recognized territory of Ukraine and suspend the military operations as specifically stipulated in the Order of the International Court of Justice of 16 March 2022; underline that Ukraine has the exclusive right to decide about the modalities of the future peace talks to achieve lasting and just peace for the generations to come, and express their support to President Zelenskyy's Peace Formula towards a Global Peace Summit to be convened when conditions are ripe."
Slovakia and the Czech Republic also "express their readiness to contribute to processes regarding the new international security arrangements for Ukraine before its NATO membership; welcome Ukraine's significant progress in advancing on the path of Euro-Atlantic integration, in particular with regard to the country's growing interoperability with NATO standards; confirm their commitment to strengthen joint efforts to ensure further progress towards implementation of EU and NATO standards by Ukraine on its path towards the membership in both organizations; note that the Slovak and the Czech Republics as two NATO members stand ready to intensify their support of Ukraine's ambition to join the Alliance once the conditions allow for it," the presidents said in the declaration.
The presidents "underline their firm commitment to bring to justice and ensure full accountability for all those responsible for acts that constitute war crimes, crimes against humanity and other most serious crimes under international law committed against Ukraine and its people, including the crime of aggression, and support efforts towards the establishment of a special tribunal for the crime of aggression against Ukraine."
"The Slovak and the Czech Republics are ready to continue supporting dynamic accession process of Ukraine to the EU based on its reforms progress, notably with regard to the seven recommendations outlined in the EC's Opinion, as well as gradual integration of Ukraine into the EU´s policies and actions with special focus on the internal EU market," according to the text.
Slovakia and the Czech Republic also "agree to further encourage robust international political, practical and material support for Ukraine aimed at ensuring its abilities to effectively defend its territories on land, at sea and in the air; reaffirm their intention to cooperate at European and international fora with regard to liberation of Ukraine’s territories temporarily occupied by Russia, particularly by promoting President Zelenskyy's Peace Formula and the International Crimea Platform," according to the declaration.