MPs appeal to Constitutional Court on Ukraine-Russia agreement on Black Sea Fleet, asking to recognize it unconstitutional

The Constitutional Court of Ukraine has received a constitutional submission from 49 MPs regarding the compliance with the Constitution of Ukraine of the Agreement between Ukraine and Russia on the issues of the presence of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia on the territory of Ukraine, the Constitutional Court press service said.
"On March 31, 2023, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine received a constitutional submission from 49 MPs of Ukraine regarding the compliance with the Constitution of Ukraine (constitutionality) of the Agreement between Ukraine and the Russian Federation on the issues of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine dated April 21, 2010, ratified by law of Ukraine No. 2153-VI On the ratification of the Agreement between Ukraine and the Russian Federation on the stay of the fleet of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine dated April 27, 2010 (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement)," the court said on its Telegram channel on Friday.
According to the subject of the right to a constitutional submission, "there are grounds for recognizing the Agreement as unconstitutional."
As noted in the statement, the subject of the right to constitutional submission believes that the disputed agreement does not comply with Part 7 of Article 17 of the Basic Law of Ukraine, and also claims that the agreement is contrary to the principles of ensuring national security.
In addition, Ukraine's MPs note the lack of a regulatory framework for the conclusion of an international agreement of this kind.
The MPs who signed the submission to the Constitutional Court include Mykhailo Radutsky (Servant of the People faction), Iryna Friz (European Solidarity), Yaroslav Yurchyshyn (Holos), Larysa Bilozir (Dovira group), Oksana Savchuk (non-factional).
The agreement between Ukraine and Russia on the stay of the Russian Black Sea Fleet on the territory of Ukraine (in the media it is often called Kharkiv agreements) is an agreement between Ukraine and Russia, signed on April 21, 2010 in Kharkiv by Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. According to the agreement, the period of stay of the Russian Black Sea Fleet of in Sevastopol has been extended from 2017 to 2042 with an automatic extension for five years, unless either side expresses its opinion.
Ratified by the Verkhovna Rada and the Russian State Duma on April 27, 2010.
The agreement was unilaterally denounced by the Russian State Duma on March 31, 2014, after the annexation of Crimea.