10:30 13.02.2023

Zelensky: Sanctions against Russia's nuclear industry must become part of global sanctions

1 min read
Zelensky: Sanctions against Russia's nuclear industry must become part of global sanctions

Ukraine is doing its best to ensure that sanctions against Russia's nuclear industry become part of global sanctions.

"There is another sanctions step by our state against the nuclear industry of the terrorist state. By my decree, I put into effect the decision of the National Security and Defense Council on sanctions against 200 people working for the Russian 'atomic industry," President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said in a video address on Sunday, February 12.

"We are doing everything so that sanctions against the Russian nuclear industry become part of the global sanctions against Russia for the war. It is not simple. There is some resistance. But there was a time when other restrictions against Russia also seemed difficult to implement," he said. At the same time, he said, all the more, this is true for those who took part in the capture of Zaporizhia nuclear power plant.

"Now they are already operating, for example, on oil and oil products from Russia. All elements of the Russian system involved in the war, the provision of terror and the financing of aggression must be isolated from the world system," Zelensky said.