10:08 01.11.2022

IAEA starts inspection of two nuclear facilities in Ukraine

1 min read
IAEA starts inspection of two nuclear facilities in Ukraine

Inspectors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) began a mission to inspect two nuclear facilities in Ukraine, the agency's Twitter account reported on Monday, referring to its director general Rafael Grossi.

"DG Grossi said IAEA safeguards inspectors had begun – and would soon complete – verification activities at two locations in Ukraine, following a request from the Ukrainian government. Later this week he will provide his initial conclusions from these activities," the IAEA said on Twitter.

As reported, Grossi announced the mission last week.

"The IAEA inspectors will conduct independent verification at these locations in accordance with Ukraine’s safeguards agreement to detect any diversion of nuclear material under safeguards, any undeclared production or processing of nuclear material at the two locations and assure that there are no undeclared nuclear material and activities," Director General Grossi said.