Situation with Ukraine will be focus of EU-PRC summit

Events in Ukraine will be the key topic of the upcoming EU-China summit on April 1, European Commission (EC) spokesman Eric Mamer said.
"We need to wait for this summit. And after that we will be able to tell you what our signal was to China ... Our principles regarding Ukraine are very clear: Ukraine is a sovereign state," Mamer said at a briefing in Brussels on Monday.
He answered the question of what message the EU is preparing for the leader of the PRC.
The international community "expressed, with an extremely overwhelming majority in the UN," its rejection of Russia's military actions in Ukraine, Mamer continued.
According to the representative of the European Commission, the UN member states should contribute to the cessation of hostilities "in order to respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine."
"I believe that such a message can be addressed not only to China, but also to all countries of the world that protect the principles of the UN Charter," the representative of the EC summed up.