13:10 23.03.2022

Poland, Baltic States call for ban on transport of Russian goods by European roads

2 min read
Poland, Baltic States call for ban on transport of Russian goods by European roads

The Ministers of Transport of the Baltic States and Poland called on the EU to ban the transport of goods by road to Russia and Belarus, as well as the transport of goods from these countries.

According to Lithuanian Minister of Transport Marius Skuodis, the appeal also calls on EU countries to ban Russian and Belarusian ships from entering ports throughout the EU.

"Today, I signed a joint appeal by three Ministers of Transport of the Baltic States and Poland to the EU authorities and other colleagues calling for a pan-European ban on road transport to / from Russia and Belarus, while prohibiting ships from entering EU ports," Skuodis said on social networks.

"EU action is needed here and now. We hope that the heads of state and government of the EU, who met in Brussels on Thursday, will not hesitate," Skuodis added.

Earlier, activists in Lithuania and Poland protested against the transport of goods by road between the EU countries and Russia. Lithuania is coordinating with other countries in the region an initiative to ban Russian and Belarusian ships from entering their ports. However, Lithuanian Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė said it would be better to take a decision as a whole in the EU, as this would close the possibility of legal disputes.