13:45 18.03.2022

EBA surveys 120 of its member companies, almost half expect to hold out financially for a few months

3 min read
EBA surveys 120 of its member companies, almost half expect to hold out financially for a few months

The European Business Association (EBA) surveyed 120 member companies out of more than 1,000, some 43% of respondents assess their own financial stability in a few months, another 28% - in six months, 17% - a year or more, 6% of companies named their financial resources exhausted, the EBA said in a release on Friday.

"Similarly, 46% of CEOs we surveyed, plan to seek support from the state. At the same time, 29% do not have a final decision on that yet, and 23% do not plan to receive state aid," the EBA said.

"We also asked the companies if they plan to apply for the state evacuation program from the combat zone. Out of 120 responses, only 13 companies answer that they plan on evacuation and 4 of them have already applied for it. Meanwhile, 50% do not plan to participate because they believe that their company cannot be transported, another 11% have already evacuated the company on their own. And 21% of respondents do not have facilities in the combat zone," the report says.

"Thus, most company executives, namely 65%, will offer employees to apply for UAH 6,500 within e-Aid Program. Half of the companies, namely 50%, plan to take advantage of the deferral of tax payments and the exemption from paying single social contributions for employees who are defending the country in the ranks of the Armed Forces or territorial defense," it says.

"We would like to draw attention to the fact that the survey did not include the new business support initiatives proposed by draft law No. 7137-d, which was recently adopted by the Verkhovna Rada," the EBA said.

"We at the EBA see an urgent need to revive business activities. Therefore, our companies ask for abolishing the list of critical imports as a significant barrier to the fulfillment of obligations to suppliers and buyers, facilitating imports and exports, ensuring logistical support, and simplification of customs procedures. It is extremely important to restore VAT refunds for exporters. Also, companies need to resume settlements with foreign counterparties to replenish their working capital and raw materials for production," according to the document.

"Besides, it is vital to support the salary fund for employees of both working and non-working companies. Tax benefits for businesses on the deferral of reporting and payment of taxes with the banking control over the payment of personal income tax and SSC need to be agreed upon. The issue of "reservation" of critically important specialists from military mobilization is difficult but it should still be resolved," the association said.