State Customs Service simplifies import of humanitarian aid to Ukraine

The State Customs Service has simplified the rules for the import of humanitarian aid to Ukraine, Deputy Head of the State Customs Service Oleksandr Shutsky said.
"For several days, there have been appeals to the State Customs Service for humanitarian aid. As part of this, we, firstly, have simplified the procedure for humanitarian aid. To transport it, now you only need shipping documentation and an appeal from the territorial defense. In other cases, regarding urgent issues, I stay in touch and am ready to resolve all issues regarding humanitarian aid that will save people's lives, which concerns defense, masks, bulletproof vests, medicines – please, you can deliver," Shutsky said during a meeting of the committee on finance, taxation and customs policy on Sunday.
"We can also let out vehicles that will be purchased and returned. I will do this manually," he added.
He called the situation on the western border difficult regarding women and children who want to cross the border.
"I think we will manage this situation today," Shutsky said.