09:42 09.11.2021

Ethics Council's first composition appointed, it is important stage in judicial reform implementation – Zelensky

2 min read
Ethics Council's first composition appointed, it is important stage in judicial reform implementation – Zelensky

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky welcomes the formed composition of the Ethics Council, which is designed to establish the compliance of a candidate for the position of a member of the High Council of Justice with the criteria of professional ethics and virtue.

"I hope that the Ethics Council will start its work as soon as possible. Despite considerable resistance, we managed to embark on a critical stage of the changes I initiated in the judicial system. The formation of a respectable High Council of Justice (HCJ) and the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine will help restore Ukrainians' confidence in the judiciary and ensure further cleaning of the system," the presidential press service said, citing Zelensky.

The composition of the Ethics Council was formed in accordance with the provisions of law of Ukraine on amendments to certain laws of Ukraine on the procedure for election (appointment) to the positions of members of the High Council of Justice and the activities of disciplinary inspectors of the High Council of Justice No.1635-IX dated July 14, 2021.

Thus, the members of the Ethics Council include Judge of the Supreme Court at the Criminal Court of Cassation Lev Kyshakevych; Judge of Kyiv Court of Appeal Yuriy Triasun; Judge of the Eastern Economic Court of Appeal, retired Volodymyr Siverin; Judge of Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, retired Robert Cordy; Judge of the Court of Appeal of England and Wales, retired Sir Anthony Hooper and former Prosecutor General of the Republic of Estonia Lavly Perling.

The President's Office said that on November 2, the High Council of Justice received a list of candidates recommended by the Council of Judges of Ukraine for the Ethics Council. International and foreign organizations determined the list of international experts on September 10, 2021.