13:13 19.02.2021

Number of deaths in Ukraine in Dec 2020 jumps by 42.9% compared to Dec 2019 - State Statistics Service

2 min read
Number of deaths in Ukraine in Dec 2020 jumps by 42.9% compared to Dec 2019 - State Statistics Service

616,84 people died in Ukraine in 2020 people, which is 6.1% more than in 2019, and 293,46 were born, which is 5% less than in 2019, State Statistics Service said on Thursday, February 18.

Taking into account the previously published data, in December last year there was a very significant increase in the number of deaths compared to December of 2019 - by 42.9%, to 67,660 people.

December was the sixth month in 2020, when the number of deaths exceeded similar data of 2019: the first was June with 8.4% of increase, the second - August with 3.9%, the third - September with 15.4%, the fourth - October with 17,5%, and in November this negative trend reached 35%.

The June figure could be associated with an unusually sharp decline in mortality in May 2020 - by 16.9% compared to May 2019, and due to strong fluctuations in statistics for May-June the year before last.

The number of newborns in December increased by 11.4% compared to December of the year before - to 24,560, while in November the dynamics was almost the opposite - 11.7% of decrease, to 21,620.

According to the State Statistics Service, the total population of Ukraine on January 1, 2021 was estimated at 41.58 million people, which is 314.06, or 0.8% less than a year earlier.