Kravchuk says that he has not communicated with Medvedchuk for five years, considers his position on Donbas unacceptable

Head of the Ukrainian delegation to the Trilateral Contact Group (TCG) on the settlement of the situation in Donbas, first president of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk said that the position of Head of the political council of the Opposition Platform – For Life party, MP Viktor Medvedchuk on Donbas is unacceptable for Ukraine, but not excludes communication with him in the future.
"For five years I have not talked with Viktor Medvedchuk even by phone. For five years," Kravchuk said, answering a question about relations with Medvedchuk, who was his close political associate for a long time.
According to Kravchuk, the position taken by Medvedchuk on Donbas cannot be supported by Ukraine, because it puts Ukraine in a difficult position.
"I am in favor of using the experience of both Ukrainian politicians and various Ukrainian political forces to coordinate the interests of Ukraine with the interests of Russia, because it is present there. In particular, to coordinate them first of all, with the people who live there. That is, I am not exclude communication with Medvedchuk, but this does not mean at all that I am ready to sign any document that will be proposed by that political force," he said.
The head of the Ukrainian delegation to the TCG does not know whether he would like Medvedchuk to take part in negotiations to resolve the situation in Donbas.
"I do not know, I first need to figure it out. I have only been working as head of the Ukrainian delegation for five days. When you meet with me at least in a month, I will be able to answer your question," Kravchuk said.