Aid from Italy to help flood victims arrives in Ukraine

A plane from Italy with assistance to help controlling floods in western Ukraine, arrived in the country, the Italian Embassy in Ukraine has reported.
"As a result of severe floods that hit Ukraine, Italy provides assistance aimed at confronting this emergency and supporting rescue activities, as well as helping the affected population," the embassy's press service said Tuesday, quoting Italian ambassador to Ukraine Davide La Cecilia as saying.
According to the report, the Military Aviation flight, organized by the Department of Civil Defense, arrived at Lviv Airport at 13:00 on Tuesday and delivered tents, water pumps, lighthouse towers and other materials provided by the National Fire Command Corps, Italian regions, and national civil defense volunteer organizations.
"The friendly ties and solidarity that unite our countries grow stronger in times of difficulty. We are very grateful to Kyiv for the support provided to us by a group of doctors and a significant amount of disinfectants at the most difficult moment of the emergency sanitary situation in Italy. Now we want to support Ukraine's desire to resist to the phenomena that so severely hit the west of the country," the ambassador said.
According to the diplomat, this operation is part of the European Civil Protection Mechanism.
Earlier, the Department of Communication of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine reported that the Italian side decided to provide humanitarian assistance for the western regions of Ukraine after an appeal of the Ukrainian Embassy in Rome.
"Appropriate equipment and special equipment, namely pumps equipped with a set of hoses, mobile generators, rescue cables, quadcopters, heated tents for 10 people, suits for underwater rescue operations, inflatable boats with motors, four-seater catamarans, life jackets and helmets, portable radio stations and other equipment will be used by the rescue service of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine to eliminate the consequences of devastating floods," the ministry said on its website on Monday evening.
Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov expressed gratitude for the cooperation and assistance to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy Luigi Di Maio.