Rauta develops design of prefabricated mobile hospitals

Kyiv-based Rauta Group LLC, in cooperation with the Confederation of Builders of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Steel Construction Center, has developed a design of prefabricated mobile hospital, which can be constructed within two weeks.
The company said that a mobile hospital has enough space for accommodation of 72 patients and comfortable conditions for work of medical staff. The construction contains two autonomous zones with wards for patients in moderate and critical condition, as well as an intensive care unit, offices for the chief doctor and head nurse, rest rooms for the staff and other premises.
The hospital structure consists of prefabricated sandwich panels which meet all construction standards, sanitary requirements, safety regulations and energy efficiency standards. The design of the building provides a possibility to use renewable energy sources such as solar panels and heat pumps.
Technologies and materials which are highly resistant to viruses, bacterium and frequent sanitation are used in the structure.
The life-time cycle of such a building is more than 30 years.
General Manager of Rauta Group Andriy Ozeychuk said that the project is highly optimized for using ready-made solutions that can be mounted manually without use of wet processes and welding.
"If necessary, such a modular hospital can be easily disassembled and moved to another region, as well as expanded or converted for other purposes," he said.
Ozeychuk also stressed that "the project of a domestic company should draw attention of the Health Ministry for systemic response to challenges of the pandemic, as well as for the elimination of negative influence of any epidemics and disasters on Ukrainian citizens in future."
Rauta Group was set up in 2014. Its core business is the design of constructions, supply and assembly of construction materials. The company has a license for the construction of facilities with medium (CC2) and high (CC3) consequences.
According to the unified state register, the owner of a 100% stake in the statutory capital of the company is Andriy Ozeychuk.
The statutory capital of the company amounts to UAH 388,600.